Category Archives: DISASTER

I looked around, and I don’t know why, but I assure you that never, never before, did this land, this river, this jungle, the very arch of this blazing sky, appear to me so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness.” Charlie Marlowe

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“I am she who lifts the mountains
When she goes to hunt,
Who wears mamba for a headband
And a lion for a belt.
I swallow elephants whole
And pick my teeth with rhinoceros horns,
I drink up rivers to get at the hippos.
Let them hear my words!
Nhamo is coming
And her hunger is great.

I am she who tosses trees
Instead of spears.
The ostrich is my pillow
And the elephant is my footstool!
I am Nhamo
Who makes the river my highway
And sends crocodiles scurrying into the reeds!” 

― Nancy FarmerA Girl Named Disaster

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“Something or other lay in wait for him, amid the twists and turns of the months and the years, like a crouching beast in the jungle. It signified little whether the crouching beast were destined to slay him or be slain. The definite point was the inevitable spring of the creature, and the definite lesson from that was that a man of feeling didn’t cause himself to be accompanied by a lady on a tiger-hunt.”

James Henry
The Beast in the Jungle

You know what happens when windmills collapse into the sea? A splash. – Bill Maher


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. De molen gaat niet om met wind die voorbij is.
The windmill doesn’t care for the wind that’s gone past.
(i.e. You don’t need precautions for something that has happened in the past)

Nobody wants to meet an ill-omened bird.

Gutiri mundu wendaga gutungana na nyoni njuru

To the Kikuyu many birds foreshadow calamity.  The cry of the owl forebodes mishap.  If the owl cries, perched on the top of a hut, the oldest man in that village will die very soon.  If someone, about to make a journey, hears the cry of any bird of ill- omen, he must not start on any account.

Nobody seeks his own ruin.

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Bell-Birds (Kendall poem)

By channels of coolness the echoes are calling,

And down the dim gorges I hear the creek falling;

It lives in the mountain, where moss and the sedges

Touch with their beauty the banks and the ledges;

Through brakes of the cedar and sycamore bowers

Struggles the light that is love to the flowers.

And, softer than slumber, and sweeter than singing,

The notes of the bell-birds are running and ringing.

The silver-voiced bell-birds, the darlings of day-time,

They sing in September their songs of the May-time.

When shadows wax strong and the thunder-bolts hurtle,

They hide with their fear in the leaves of the myrtle;

When rain and the sunbeams shine mingled together

They start up like fairies that follow fair weather,

And straightway the hues of their feathers unfolden

Are the green and the purple, the blue and the golden.

October, the maiden of bright yellow tresses,

Loiters for love in these cool wildernesses;

Loiters knee-deep in the grasses to listen,

Where dripping rocks gleam and the leafy pools glisten.

Then is the time when the water-moons splendid

Break with their gold, and are scattered or blended

Over the creeks, till the woodlands have warning

Of songs of the bell-bird and wings of the morning.

Welcome as waters unkissed by the summers

Are the voices of bell-birds to thirsty far-comers.

When fiery December sets foot in the forest,

And the need of the wayfarer presses the sorest,

Pent in the ridges for ever and ever.

The bell-birds direct him to spring and to river,

With ring and with ripple, like runnels whose torrents

Are toned by the pebbles and leaves in the currents.

Often I sit, looking back to a childhood

Mixt with the sights and the sounds of the wildwood,

Longing for power and the sweetness to fashion

Lyrics with beats like the heart-beats of passion –

Songs interwoven of lights and of laughters

Borrowed from bell-birds in far forest rafters;

So I might keep in the city and alleys

The beauty and strength of the deep mountain valleys,

Charming to slumber the pain of my losses

With glimpses of creeks and a vision of mosses.

Bacchus, that first from out the purple grape Crush’d the sweet poison of misused wine.

John Milton 1608 – 1674
Comus [1634], l. 46

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As we became subjects of King Alcohol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down. It thickened, ever becoming blacker. Some of us sought out sordid places, hoping to find understanding companionship and approval. Momentarily we did — then would come oblivion and the awful awakening to face the hideous Four Horsemen — Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, Despair.


No society can understand itself without looking at its shadow side.

― Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction

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I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster, or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing what will most likely wait for him down the road. He’s taken some control over his ultimate fate, and his addiction keeps the cause of death from being a total surprise.

Chuck Palahniuk

There is no such a rule that patience leads to salvation!

 Patience can lead to salvation or it can lead to disaster. Every inaction or every action is open to all the possibilities!

― Mehmet Murat ildan

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You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation…and that is called loving.
Well then, love your suffering.
Do not resist it, do not flee from it.
It is only your aversion to it that hurts, nothing else.

-Hermann Hesse

The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.

(Quote by – Colin Wilson)

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“Are you a stupid sheep in the flock or a free eagle in the sky? Look at the mirror, what are you? Are you some dullish cattle in the herd or a wise owl in the forest? Look at the mirror, what are you?”

― Mehmet Murat ildan

Action must be taken at the first signs of disruption or decay, otherwise disaster will follow as ice-bound water follows brief autumn frosts.

– I Ching

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   Lee Emmett


glorious Autumn morning
sky is clear and still
dog is barking next door
otherwise quiet on hill
garden is looking a treat
after recent welcome rains
green returns to landscape
gentle healing assuages pains




Safety doesn’t happen by accident.

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“if the teenage kids want to carouse, that’s where they do it. They make bonfires, and drink too much and smoke dope, and grope around in one another’s clothing as if they’ve just invented it, and smash their parents cars up on the way back to town.

― Margaret Atwood

Like everything else in his life, he crashed forward, caution the first casualty.”

― Neal Shusterman, Full Tilt

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“When you put fear behind the wheel, you’re bound to crash, but when you drive in faith the ride will be rough, but preceding into a journey of your lifetime.”
― Anthony Liccione

Like Robin Hood….Not real, but true. ― Janette Rallison


“This wavering paradox is a pillar of the outlaw stance. A man who has blown all his options can’t afford the luxury of changing his ways. He has to capitalize on whatever he has left, and he can’t afford to admit-no matter how often he’s reminded of it-that every day of his life takes him farther down a blind alley.”

― Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels

True humility is not found in feeling discouraged about your foolishness. It rests on the awareness that you are nothing and that God is everything. What else can you expect from fallen human nature? Expect nothing from yourself, but have a vibrant confidence in God’s Love. Catoir.

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There is no punishment greater than the loss of one’s head, and no poverty keener than not having more than a rag.

Said to encourage a person overwhelmed by a series of calamities, implying that the worst is past.

"A classified collection of Tamil proverbs"

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If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster. Indian Proverb


The useful tree was burned along with the poisonous, when the latter took fire simply because of its proximity.

A good man who associates with evil companions will suffer with them when they got into trouble.

"A classified collection of Tamil proverbs"

foto – izzy and fernando the fudge maker discussing things in Milton 2010

It came like a mountain, and disappeared like dew. Said of sudden disasters.

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As an eclipse (or the dragon Rahu) seizes the sun, so has Saturn seized me.

Said when some disaster has occurred that cannot be accounted for. Rahu and Kethu are the dragons that are said to devour the sun at an eclipse.

"A classified collection of Tamil proverbs"

I wish to run on the grass for a few minutes with naked feet.

A Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs & Sayings

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Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don’t know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn’t matter."

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

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Turkish. No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back.


Every way. or at every end, there are three leagues of heart-breaking. (Spanish). When a man’s affairs are in bad condition and he is unable to extricate himself from difficulty, every way leads to further complications; at every end he finds an obstacle and he is near disaster.

"Curiosities in Proverbs: A Collection of Unusual Adages, Maxims, Aphorisms, Phrases and Other …"

foto – burra’s tree