Category Archives: LONERS

The savage loves his native shore.

Les Murray: “Stone statues of ancient waves, tongue like dingoes on shore”.

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On the Shore.


HERE many a time she must have walked,

The dull sand brightening ‘neath her feet,

The cool air quivering as she talked,

Or laughed, or warbled sweet.

The shifting sand no trace of her,

No sound the wandering wind retains,

But, breaking where the footprints were.

Loudly the sea complains.

1880 ‘On the Shore.’, The Queenslander(Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 – 1939), 28 February, p. 265,



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Walking a solitary road

   A young boy or girl knows that if they want to be part of a 
   group that drinks, they have to drink.  If they want to be part 
   of a group that parties, they have to party.  If they  want to 
   be part of a group that uses bad language, they have to use bad 
   language.  If they want to be part of a group that engages 
   in a certain kind of behavior, they have to participate in 
   that behavior.  If they want to be accepted by some particular 
   group they have to participate in that group's behavior.  They 
   know all that by instinct.  They know what they must do to be 
   liked and accepted.  They must conform to the attitudes, 
   outlooks and values of the group they wish to be accepted into.  
   If a young person looks around and sees that everyone is 
   drinking, partying and using bad language he knows he has a 
   choice.  He can either join them or walk a lonely road.  The 
   young person who decides within himself that he will not drink, 
   that he will be a total abstainer, knows there will be a price 
   for that, there will be consequences for himself.  The 
   teetotaler is aware that he has freely chosen a path that 
   necessarily makes him a loner, an outcast, an object of 
   ridicule and scorn, to a large portion of society.  The young 
   person who has determined within himself to take the route of 
   never using low, profane or bad language knows there will be 
   consequences.  He knows he cannot ever be really accepted by 
   that large portion of society that does these things.  He knows 
   he will walk a lonely road.  The young person with scruples, 
   high personal standards, integrity who looks at the crowd and 
   has moral objections to their behavior has a choice:  he can 
   maintain his standards and principles and walk a lonely road or 
   he can give them up and join the crowd.  

   A young person knows that one must either go with the crowd and 
   be one of them or have the courage and strength to stand alone.  
   The young person who chooses a path of strict principle in 
   regard to drinking, smoking, low language, etc. knows what he 
   is doing.  He knows he has chosen to buck the crowd rather than 
   go with it.  He knows he has chosen a lonely path, a solitary 
   path.  He knows he has freely chosen a way that will bring upon 
   himself ridicule and rejection and ostracism.  He knows that 
   you cannot have both the approval of the crowd and of God.  You 
   have to choose.  You have to have the strength to stand alone, 
   to walk alone.  You have to be willing to accept ostricism and 
   rejection.  The crowd doesn't like the person who doesn't go 
   along with it.  The drinkers and partying don't want a non-
   drinker around when they are partying.  He is a wet blanket, a 
   kill-joy.  Those whose minds and language are gutter don't 
   like those who don't accept their language, mind and humour.  
   The person of integrity, the person of moral standards who 
   objects to the moral depravity of the crowd walks a solitary 
   road.  He lives on a different wavelength.  He is a different 
   species, a creature from another planet, a creature from an 
   alien culture. 

   What induces a person to walk a solitary road?  Well, 
   conscience, fear of God, love of God.  But yet it is not really 
   a solitary road.  God is with him.  God is his friend.  And he 
   is his own friend.  He has two true friends: God and himself. 

   May 2008

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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 – 1907), Saturday 3 January 1891,

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There’s a special kind of freedom sisters enjoy. Freedom to share innermost thoughts, to ask a favour, to show their true feelings. The freedom to simply be themselves

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Portrait of the Autist as a New World Driver”, from the 1974 collection,Lunch & Counterlunch:


. . . . .
they simplify
who say the Artist’s a child
they miss the point closely: an artist
even if he has brothers, sisters, spouse
is an only child

among the self-taught
the loners, chart-freaks, bush encyclopedists
there are protocols, too; we meet
gravely as stiff princes, and swap fact:
did you know some bats can climb side on?

Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.

Rene Daumal

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“We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another, and no sunrise finds us where left by sunset. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of that tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind to be scattered.”

― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

May the bombs rust away in the bunkers, And the doomsday clock not be rewound

Prayer for the twenty-first century by John Marsden.  Lothian, 1997


“I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain – and back in rain.
I have out walked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet.
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly light,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.”

― Robert Frost

Frank Zappa. Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love.

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they simplify
who say the Artist’s a child
they miss the point closely: an artist
even if he has brothers, sisters, spouse
is an only child

among the self-taught
the loners, chart-freaks, bush encyclopedists
there are protocols, too; we meet
gravely as stiff princes, and swap fact:
did you know some bats can climb side on?

Les Murray: Taller When Prone.

foto – raleigh nov 2010