Category Archives: LIKE AND DISLIKE

When sea-gulls fly to land, a storm is at hand.

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“The wind blustered in from the sea, setting the horses’ manes streaming sideways, and the gulls wheeled mewing against the blue-and-grey tumble of the sky; and Aquila, riding a little aside from the rest as usual, caught for a moment from the wind and the gulls and the wet sand and the living, leaping power of the young red mare under him, something of the joy of simply being alive that he had taken for granted in the old days.”

― Rosemary Sutcliff, The Lantern Bearers

“If it is true that God dislikes taking sides, I should feel no awkwardness in His presence, so pleased would I be to imitate Him, to be like Him, in everything, “without opinion.”

― Emil Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born

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“you can’t live in the world with such strong likes and dislikes”
― J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey