Category Archives: ONE DAY AT A TIME

He starts each day before it is a day, the little kitchen spreading buttered light across the yard while he stokes up the stove and warms his pot of porridge.

The Farmer – Philip Hodgin

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(seiko udoku)

clear sky, cultivate, rainy, reading
Farm when it’s sunny, read when it rains.

Read more:

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in – forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ~Emerson

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“People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Many littles make a mickle; the whole ocean is made up of drops.

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“Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war.” – Loren Eiseley

The skeletons in my closet carouse and party all night, When one opens the door to pee, gee, I get such a fright.

Smartass Rabbi

Feb 23

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No matter that my heart sinks,
sighs, with the weight of skeletons-

paths I forgot to follow
have slowly sealed

rooms go unrecognised
for fear of change

and I cry at the uncertainty of rainbows.

All the daydreams I stole,
refusing to give them back

are stored as silver dust
and each day is a small breath.

Do not put your feet on two boats.

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Tenacity is a pretty fair substitute for bravery, and the best form of tenacity I know is expressed in a Danish fur trapper’s principle: ‘The next mile is the only one a person really has to make.’ 

Eric Sevareid(author of Canoeing with the Cree)

“I’ve learned that some memories surprise you and reveal a sharp edge just when you least expect it.” ― Pittacus Lore, Eight’s Origin

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“The first words that are read by seekers of enlightenment in the secret, gong-banging, yeti-haunted valleys near the hub of the world, are when they look into The Life of Wen the Eternally Surprised.

The first question they ask is: ‘Why was he eternally surprised?’

And they are told: ‘Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.’

The first words read by the young Lu-Tze when he sought perplexity in the dark, teeming, rain-soaked city of Ankh-Morpork were: ‘Rooms For Rent, Very Reasonable.’ And he was glad of it.”

― Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

Each sunrise is a precious jewel…for it may never be followed by its sunset.” Heinlein

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“And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn,” he said, lowering his voice again and narrowing his eyes and moving his head a quarter of an inch closer to hers. “And their merging sometimes affords the beholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours. A sunrise or sunset can be ablaze with brilliance and arouse all the passion, all the yearning, in the soul of the beholder.” 

― Mary BaloghA Summer to Remember

I assume it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake – as almost all hats are.

~Nikolaus Laszlo, Nora Ephron, and Delia Ephron, You’ve Got Mail

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Under My Hat


Under my hat is a horse

I rode when I was ten

Under my hat is a house

Or five or six or seven.


Under my hat is a story

Half-true or true or false

Of nights of booze and poetry

Of songs and a sweet slow waltz.


Under my hat are opinions

That have made me friends or foes

When you march to insistent drums

It depends how the current flows.


I’m a hoarder, a keeper, a snail

That needs a pile to crawl under

My hat shields a regular haul

Of trivia, jetsam and plunder.


And what of the secret places

Where you and you cannot tread

The dark and the dismal traces?

They’re under the hat on my head.


A lowly cabin with potatoes is better than a hungry castle.


Is fearr bothán biamhar ná caisleán gortach.

A cabin with plenty of food is better than a hungry castle.

It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis. Margaret Bonnano 1950

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I am chaotic

I am still the same

I make sandstone structures shake and quiver at the mention of my name

I am enigmatic

Heartfelt, vengeful and a little dramatic

I am forever studied, questions can’t be answered from where or whence I came.

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. William Blake

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Queenie Chan

“There were no childish flights of fancy here – no silly games of ‘pretend’, and certainly no bedtime stories. ‘Not under our roof’, my grandmother would say, rolling her eyes. She often rolls her eyes in that fashion, especially when talking about our neighbours, the Darlings. She did this even in front of Mrs Darling, when she once came over to invite me to an afternoon play session with her three children.”

We Are the Pickwicks (extended remix)

I would never have amounted to anything were it not for adversity. I was forced to come up the hard way.

~J.C. Penny


You’ll enjoy the short walk of his company,

as will he: singled out from the others

to push his nose eagerly into the halter, lowering

his head so you can easily fasten the buckle.

Rest your arm on his warm neck

as you wait for a passing ute,

lean into the could-only-be-horse smell of him,

see his ear turn just a few degrees in your direction,

like an old man cupping his hand, to hear

you say go on. Turn him loose and stay awhile,

watch him graze, lifting his head to sounds

of minute-to-minute living.

Because by Carolyn Fisher

In heaven you won’t hear the mosquitoes. Finland.

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Anderson, Robert Thompson (1880 – 1960)
1    My eyes in slumber tightly close,
2    Most welcome is the night’s repose;
3    No troubled thoughts my sleep condemn;
4    And yet I hear the hum of ‘M………..
5     Mosquitoes.

Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry.

They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”

― Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

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We can do anything for one day. So, just for today, let us be unafraid of life, unafraid of death which is the shadow of life; unafraid to be happy to enjoy the beautiful, to believe the best.

Just for today let us live this one day only, forgetting yesterday and tomorrow, and not trying to solve the whole problem of life at once.

— Joseph Fort Newton

He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk.

~ Malawian proverb

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I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.
John Burrough

Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.

Rene Daumal

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“We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another, and no sunrise finds us where left by sunset. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of that tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind to be scattered.”

― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Those who love each other, tease each other.

Was sich liebt, das neckt sich.

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“Just like a firewood needs to be teased to be revived; your dreams need everyday care. When you commit to take one action each day toward the realization of your dream; small changes add up to create what you want.”

― Guillaume Wolf

“It just never occurs to me until it’s too late that Learn Banjo in Five Minutes a Day means five minutes a day for the rest of my life.”

-John Diamond

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“A sip of wine, a cigarette,
And then it’s time to go.
I tidied up the kitchenette;
I tuned the old banjo.
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam.
They’re saving me a seat.”

― Leonard Cohen

With every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun.

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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The Aboriginal Sunrise Ceremonies are very special to our people. It starts when the sky is black, beautiful black. When the sun’s yellow circle arrives, it turns the sky red. This is why the Aboriginal flag is half red, half black with a yellow circle in the middle. At the Sunrise Ceremony, I meditate and ask the Great Spirit for direction. My hands fill with electricity. I touch you and you feel it, too. I heal people this way. My Grandmother did that, too. I learned all about that when I was a young fellow. Umbarra, the Black Duck, is the special totem of our tribe, the Yuin. We learn to respect the elders who hand on the Law. The elders guard the Law and the Law guards the people. This is the Law that comes from the mountain. The mountain teaches the dreaming.

(c) Guboo Ted Thomas

I might not be able to hold my drink or my man, but what I can hold, is a tune. Point me in the right direction and give me a bloody mic.”

― Lindsey Kelk, I Heart New York

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You can’t stay the same. If you’re a musician and a singer, you have to change, that’s the way it works.

Van Morrison