Category Archives: ENVY

Envy the kangaroo. That pouch setup is extraordinary; the baby crawls out of the womb when it is about two inches long, gets into the pouch, and proceeds to mature. I’d have a baby if it would develop in my handbag. Rita Rudner

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“We know that there are many animals on this continent not found in the Old World. These must have been carried from here to the ark, and then brought back afterwards. Were the peccary, armadillo, ant-eater, sloth, agouti, vampire-bat, marmoset, howling and prehensile-tailed monkey, the raccoon and muskrat carried by the angels from America to Asia? How did they get there? Did the polar bear leave his field of ice and journey toward the tropics? How did he know where the ark was? Did the kangaroo swim or jump from Australia to Asia? Did the giraffe, hippopotamus, antelope and orang-outang journey from Africa in search of the ark? Can absurdities go farther than this?”

― Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

Envy has no rest. Middle Eastern

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Traverse yon spacious burial ground,
Many are sleeping soundly there,
Who pass’d with mourners standing around,
Kindred, and friends, and children fair;
Did he envy such ending? ’twere hard to say;
Had he cause to envy such ending? no;
Can the spirit feel for the senseless clay,
When it once has gone where we all must go?



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Envy not thou the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.

O see the poor victim of trade ever toiling

At the wearisome counter throughout the long day:

From labour unceasing tired nature, recoiling,

Seeks rest and refreshment to lighten their way.

We talk of the slaveholders’ deeds of oppression,

Of the negro enslaved in a far distant land;

For his wrongs and his woes we still make intercession,

But forget the sad drudgery nearer at hand.

We boast that all fetters are riven asunder;

We call our fair Island the ” Land of theFree;”

But see the hard bondage of thousands and wonder

That still in Australia such evils can be!

In vain does bright Summer unfold her gay treasure

Of buds and of blossoms, to gladden the sight;

To them is forbidden each innocent pleasure,

While chained to a counter from morning till night.

O ye, the fair leaders of folly and fashion,

Give a thought to the slaves by your selfishness bound;

And listen at length to the voice of compassion

Which pleads for your overtasked brethren around.

To lighten their burdens, kind friends are proposing

To spare a few hours at the close of the week;

And their shops in the evening at ‘

” Early hours closing”

Will afford to the weary the rest which they seek.

A.W.Queanbeyan, 21st July, 1863.

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Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” – H. G. Wells (1866-1946)



“Four be the things I am wiser to know:
Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe.
Four be the things I’d been better without:
Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt.
Three be the things I shall never attain:
Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.
Three be the things I shall have till I die:
Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye.”

― Dorothy Parker, The Complete Poems of Dorothy Parker

Beauty And vanity Vanish like vapour on A hot day; winter wrinkles wink And grin © irina dimitric 2013

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“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.” 

― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

The mountain mist, which Blacks had thought the souls of bygone men, Came closing in, with swirls of rain. Mark O’Connor.

A New Ballad of the Man From Snowy River


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The house of envy lies in the lowest hollows, golden, sunless, breathed upon by no wind, grim and filled full of inert chill, and lacking warmth, is always roiled in fog.


I mean, who wants to trudge through life, doing everything just right? Taking no chances means wasting your dreams.

― Ellen Hopkins

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We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. 

Erma Bombeck

Pride, anger, gluttony, and idleness are sometimes conquered, but the conversion of a malicious and envious mind is a kind of miracle.

― Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont

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“He grinned. “I was trying to remember all the deadly sins the other day,” he said. “Greed,envy, gluttony, irony, pedantry…”
“I’m pretty sure irony isn’t a deadly sin.”
“I’m pretty sure it is.”
“Lust,” she said. “Lust is a deadly sin.”
“And spanking.”
“I think that falls under lust.”
“I think it should have its own category,” said Jace. “Greed, envy, gluttony, irony, pedantry, lust, and spanking.”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.

― Henry David Thoreau


“We’re all one thing, like cells in a body. ‘Cept we can’t see the body. The way fish can’t see the ocean. And so we envy each other. Hurt each other. Hate each other. How silly is that? A heart cell hating a lung cell.”

― Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation.: The Shooting Script

But better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. Khaled Hosseini


“Envy is the religion of the mediocre. It comforts them, it soothes their worries, and finally it rots their souls, allowing them to justify their meanness and their greed until they believe these to be virtues. Such people are convinced that the doors of heaven will be opened only to poor wretches like themselves who go through life without leaving any trace but their threadbare attempts to belittle others and to exclude – and destroy if possible – those who, by the simple fact of their existence, show up their own poorness of spirit, mind, and guts. Blessed be the one at whom the fools bark, because his soul will never belong to them.”

Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Angel’s Game

Hebrew. Envy and wrath shorten the life.

"Eastern Proverbs and Emblems Illustrating Old Truths"


In the bush, as usual, he picked up a sandalwood cutters’ trail and began to follow it. The sandalwooders’ tracks were like watercourses, following the path of least resistance, meandering and criss-crossing through the bush.

The Bowgada Birds, Shire of Kalamunda (Kalamunda), 1986.

Emulation is lively and generous, envy base and malicious.


"Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages: Classified Subjectively and Arranged Alphabetically"

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“ One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. ”

Prov. 11:24

foto – shellbound at the wide river cafe ulmarra 2010.

while the dark flanks tic and shudder a collective dream of the herd. Something in me envies their stillness waiting for the simultaneous moment when they will lower their heads in the frost’s silence and kiss the ground.

FROM The Stillness of Cows

Mark O’Flynn

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Milk the cow, but do not pull off the udder.  Greek.

from Quote Garden

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The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.

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A snake is seen and fear is felt. She tries to kill it: "O beat him into the ground/O strike him till he dies." The snake is black and red and as he dies, "His icy glance turns outward." However the snake-killer soon realises that her enemy is not the snake but fear itself.

"The Killer" by Judith Wright


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Ukiona vyaelea vimeundwa. If you see vessels afloat, remember they have been built. Swahili.

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In the mornings, ashamed—
    ’Twas the last drink he blamed,
Though the first was the matter with Jerry,
    With his nerve out of joint,
    He’d sneak down to Blue’s Point,
And he’d cross by the horse-and-cart ferry,
Like a thief—by the horse-and-cart ferry.

Henry Lawson

1867-1922, written in 1908.


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Envy wears the mask of Love



The Envious Lobster, Poem

"Miss Gould"


“Yes!” cried the lobster, “that I’ll do,
And thrice as much, if needs must be
To be as gaily clad as she!”
Then, in she made a fatal dive
And never more was seen alive.
Now, those who learn the lobster’s fate,
Will see how envy could create
A vain desire within her breast,
And pride of dress could do the rest,
That brought her to an early death:
’T was love of show that cost her breath.

Old Sturbridge Village

The udder of a neighbour’s cow is always bigger. Croatian Proverb.


Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them; and, in short, I am not ashamed to profess a deep love for these quiet creatures.  Thomas de Quincey.


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