Tag Archives: alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease of the whole person.

MAURICE GELINAS, How to Overcome Alcoholism

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One of the most important facts to remember about alcoholism is its progression. Alcoholism begins in an early stage that looks nothing at all like a life-threatening disease, proceeds into a middle stage where problems begin to appear and intensify, and gradually advances into the late, degenerative stages of obvious physiological dependence, physical and psychological deterioration, and loss of control.

WILLIAM F. ASBURY, Beyond the Influence

Read more at http://www.notable-quotes.com/a/alcoholism_quotes.html#b887PmOgtxwWzy5L.99

Alcoholism is a disease of the whole person.

MAURICE GELINAS, How to Overcome Alcoholism


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For most normal folks, drinking means conviviality, companionship and colourful imagination. It means release from care, boredom and worry. It is joyous intimacy with friends and a feeling that life is good. But not so with us in those last days of heavy drinking.


There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty.”

― Alcoholics Anonymous

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“Walk the Bowery under the El at night and all you feel is a sort of cold guilt. Touched for a dime, you try to drop the coin and not touch the hand, because the hand is dirty; you try to avoid the glance, because the glance accuses. This is not so much personal menace as universal — the cold menace of unresolved human suffering and poverty and the advanced stages of the disease alcoholism.”
― E.B. White, Here Is New York