Tag Archives: spirituality

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.

Fran Lebowitz

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Prayer Blessing Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my Sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious Sun. ~ Lakota Prayer

Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace. May a kind word, a reassuring touch, and a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending.


Failure is the stepping stone for success.



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“For the vision is yet for an appointed time…though it tarries, wait for it” (Habakkuk 2:3, KJV).

God has an appointed time to fulfill the visions, dreams, and desires in your heart. Just because it has taken a long time or because you’ve tried and failed doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. Our God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things look, if you’ll stay in faith, your set time is coming.

Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it there. Not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Hold on to that vision today. Declare by faith, “My time is coming. God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and speak life over your dreams, it won’t be long before you see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you!


“If you have a problem that can be fixed, then there is no use in worrying. If you have a problem that cannot be fixed, then there is no use in worrying.”


– Buddhist proverb

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“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”


Pray to God for mercy until the last shovelful of earth is cast upon thy grave.


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A Native American Prayer O’ Great Spirit,
Who’s voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life, life to all the world, hear me!
I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every rock and leaf.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy which is myself.
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So, when life fades as the falling sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.


When a man hurries, the devil smiles.



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Love it the way it is. The way you see the world depends entirely on your own vibration level. When your vibration changes, the whole world will look different. It’s like those days when everyone seems to be smiling at you because you feel happy. The way to raise your vibration level is to feel more love. Start by loving your negative feelings, your own boredom, dullness and despair. It’s hard to believe, but changing the content of your mind does nothing to change your vibration level.

For the purpose of raising your awareness, it is useless to change your ideas, your faith, your behaviour, your place of residence, or your companions. It is not arbitrary or an accident that you are where you are, so you might as well get your attitude straight before you make a change. Otherwise you might find yourself chasing all over creation looking for the right place, and not even the Sea of Infinite Bliss will feel right to you. You take yourself with you wherever you go. As they say in Zen: If you can’t find it where you are standing, where do you expect to wander in search of it?

– Thaddeus Golas in “The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment”



Then their little ferret faces Are peeking out to see That what they’ve stolen most Is the very heart of me!


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A Trip Across The Sea

If I had to pick but one thing To take across the sea I think I’d pick a ferret To go along with me

A ferret is more precious Than any other thing They can make you feel complete And get your soul to sing

And when that ferret and I Set sail across that sea We’ll fear no squall nor storm Together strong we’ll be



We must learn to see each other as brother and sister, beyond all apparent differences of belief, culture, color, language, and religion.


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Nganyinytja, a Pitjantjatjara Elder said, ”Much trouble has come from people forgetting the land, the spirit. Many people are sick and have lost their spirit; we grieve for them. But we can all learn and make our spirit strong. My teaching is about opening your spirit, working together to build understanding. Opening our way, opening our hearts, to share the spirit of the land with all who want to learn”.

Mother – By that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries.

– By T. DeWitt Talmage

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You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Find your dream. It’s the pursuit of the dream that heals you.

Billy Mills (father), Oglala Lakota (1938-)


May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.

~ Apache Prayer

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“Contrary to what a lot of people believe (or hope), comfort doesn’t take the pain away. Comfort slides in beside the pain, pulling up a chair so that we have something more than sorrow in our hearts. Comfort gently expands our spirits so that we can breathe again. Comfort opens our eyes so that we can see possibility again.

And on those days, whether it is the next day or five years removed, on that day when grief rears its dark head again, comfort helps us remember that pain is not all there is”

― Peggy Haymes, Strugglers, Stragglers and Seekers: daily devotions for the rest of us

Even if your words are a lie, your eyes always tell the truth.

Libby Saumur.


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It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses



“I have learned to accept myself and rest in the fact that I am not defined by a scale or by someone else’s expectations or by my past (and future) failures. Instead, I am defined by my loving heavenly Father, who declares me perfect in His sight and reminds me daily that I am limited only by my own perceptions. So I just need to stop giving so much attention and power to my fears and, instead, simply agree with what He already sees.” ―

Michelle Aguilar, Becoming Fearless: My Ongoing Journey of Learning to Trust God

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It’s important to be heroic, ambitious, productive, efficient, creative, and progressive, but these qualities don’t necessarily nurture the soul. The soul has different concerns, of equal value: downtime for reflection, conversation, and reverie; beauty that is captivating and pleasuring; relatedness to the environs and to people; and any animal’s rhythm of rest and activity.

Thomas Moore (1779 – 1852)

Do not starve your soul while you indulge your body. That is dressing the shadow.”

― Hemat Malak, Your Angels Called and Left a Message: Divine Messages to Guide You to Happiness

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Worry gives small things a big shadow


For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.


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“Through the heartfelt mercies of our God,
God’s Sunrise will break in upon us,
Shining on those in the darkness,
those sitting in the shadow of death,
Then showing us the way, one foot at a time,
down the path of peace.”

― Luke 1:78-79, The Message

Don’t try to tell me what I am because I know what I am not”

― Amit Abraham, Personality Development Through Positive Thinking

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To pursue yourself is an interesting and absorbing thing to do. Once you have caught the scent of a hidden being, your own hidden being, you won’t readily be deflected from the tracking down of it.
– Cynthia Propper Seton

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.”

― Paramahansa Yogananda

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God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

–Reinhold Niebuhr

All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.”

― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

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Over time, as we become comfortable with God, we will talk with Him as with a trusted friend. He will be the Person with whom we can conduct our daily inventories of grief and confession issues. And we will begin to sense His answers to our prayers.

– Serenity, A Companion for Twelve Step Recovery, p. 72, 73

Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.

Jewish Saying

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“Know that you’re here for a reason. The dreams that stir within you are there to be achieved. Those dreams are seeds that have been planted inside you, that you’re responsible for watering with action and fertilizing with faith until they manifest; and manifest they must as long as you quit quitting. Never give up.”

― Dwaun S. Cox

But for life’s little defeats and indignities, I would be happy, content and completely average.”

― Mark Rude

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“If you are in a pit of stress or despair, don’t succumb to defeat. Don’t accept that difficult place as your fate. Even though God has allowed you to be there right now, he never intended for you to live there. Our God is bigger then whatever problem you are facing. The only way to see past the problem is to believe that he has not forgotten or abandoned you and that, at the exact time that he has ordained, he will reach down and pick you up.”

― Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living: Finding God’s Peace in Your Chaotic World

If any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone. For God hath made all men to enjoy felicity and constancy of good.”

― Epictetus, The Golden Sayings of Epictetus

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Constancy is the complement of all other human virtues

Giuseppe Mazzini

Where there is no trust there is no love.


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“But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.”

― Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

I knew I had looked into the eyes of a lost soul, Austin, the man’s outward form remained, but all hell was within it.”

― Arthur Machen, The Great God Pan

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“O dear Pan and all the other gods of this place, grant that I may be beautiful inside. Let all my external possessions be in friendly harmony with what is within. May I consider the wise man rich. As for gold, let me have as much as a moderate man could bear and carry with him.”
― Plato, Phaedrus

I learned why they’re called wonder drugs – you wonder what they’ll do to you.

Harlan Miller

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“She wasn’t about to go down that road herself, which was a testament to her spiritual awakening and her commitment to sanity. It was a real blessing that she didn’t follow me, because oftentimes, people go out together and one comes back and the other doesn’t. Or both of them never do.”

― Anthony Kiedis, Scar Tissue