“For the past 26 years I’ve thought of heroin every day…” But never thought of using it. It never made anything better, just worse. Look, every junky is always “considering” getting clean. Every junky wants to be clean. Every using junky also wants more heroin. Call it a contradiction call it what you want. But no junky wants the life they have. James: 26 years clean, Sydney, Australia

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Soon the monster roused himself and grasping the skirt shook it, saying as he did so: **If this be human, it’s light,” then he rushed back into the water.

One thought on ““For the past 26 years I’ve thought of heroin every day…” But never thought of using it. It never made anything better, just worse. Look, every junky is always “considering” getting clean. Every junky wants to be clean. Every using junky also wants more heroin. Call it a contradiction call it what you want. But no junky wants the life they have. James: 26 years clean, Sydney, Australia”

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